Mrs. Vaughan's Classroom



Weekly Update 11.6.18

Be on the Lookout for… Wow! 1 quarter down and 3 to go! I’m so proud of all the growth and learning that has already taken place this year. Our class is truly #owlsome and we have a lot of[...]

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Weekly Update 10.30.18

Be on the Lookout for… 1st quarter conferences will take place the week of October 29-Nov 2. Mark your calendars! Here is the link if you have not signed up yet. Our field trip to the Durham Museum of Life[...]

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Weekly Update 10.23.18

Tuesday Folders are coming home today and contain a book fair flyer and information on the at home alien project (due 11/7). Be on the Lookout for… Please plan to attend 3rd grade’s Curriculum Night on Tuesday, October 23rd at 6:00[...]

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